LIC Result – LIC AAO Mains Result 2023|LIC Assistant Administrative Officer Generalist 2023

LIC AAO Mains Result 2023: Mains exam has been conducted on 18 March 2023 for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalist) under LIC.

Regarding this recruitment students are eagerly waiting for the exam result on 08th May 2023 they have uploaded the result in pdf format.

For this, if you want to download this result then you can use the below given link.

LIC AAO Generalist Mains Exam Result 2023 – Click Here

LIC Result – LIC AAO Prelims 2023 Result Declared | LIC AAO पूर्व परीक्षेचा निकाल जाहीर

LIC Result - LIC AAO Prelims 2023 Result Declared

LIC AAO Prelims 2023 Result:- Assistant Administrative Officers’ result has been declared. Check the latest updates on marks, cut off and admit card below.

LIC released an advertisement for the recruitment of a total of 300 vacancies for the post of AAO. Concerning this recruitment, the preliminary examination was conducted between the 17th and 20th of February.

On 10th March 2023, they announced the preliminary examination result in this regard. In this, he has uploaded the list of selected candidates for the main exam in pdf format.

If your roll number is in it, you are eligible for the mains exam. Also in this regard, you can download your main exam hall ticket soon.

  LIC AAO Prelims 2023 Result

LIC AAO PrelimsClick Here
